How To get Light Box ADS From Qadabra To Earn more

How can the LightBox work for you?
What is it? LightBox ads, as their name itself states, are banner ads that look like a box of light on top of a darker background website. They are the first thing a visitor sees when entering a website, making them very high-impact advertisements.
What size is it? A LightBox ad can be of any dimension and size, but the most recommended for higher results is 800×440
Is it customizable? ….Yes! You get to decide how prominent you want it to be on your site. You can control the ads’ duration and frequency. For optimized results, ad duration is 60 seconds, and frequency of 3/24.
Is it intrusive? ….No! The ad comes with a “close” button that allows the user to remove the ad from the screen at any time, keeping the banner’s high-impact effect, yet respecting the user experience.

How do I get my LightBox ad?
  1. Log into your Qadabra account and go to the ‘Placements’ tab
  2. Click on “New Placement” and fill in the required details
  3. Write “LightBox” within the field labeled “Name of Placement”
  4. Click on “Create a New Placement” and contact to request your LightBox ad tag!
Make sure to write in the email that you have already created an ad space for the LightBox and all you need is the ad tag.



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